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New Year...New Fear

I have been putting off writing this post, ironically scared to put the words down for everyone to read. But I knew I needed to post it before the end of January, so here it goes. You see, most people get excited about the new year. They start making resolutions, lists of things to accomplish, wants, dreams, and goals. But not everyone sees the new year as something so liberating.

For some, the new year brings new fear. New choices to make that will affect not only themselves but others…family, friends, employees, community. Growth is a part of life. If you are not growing mentally, physically, or emotionally, you’re dying.

But there is also a reason they call them growing pains. Growing doesn’t come without its struggles. Some of these struggles are predictable, others not so much. I am all for a good plan in life, but you can’t plan for everything, and sometimes the unknowns stack up quickly and can be paralyzing. Too many choices to make at once. Not enough time to evaluate the what-ifs.

Soon with too much to do and not enough time to do it, you STOP. You can’t “just keep swimming.” Because, well, you don’t know where to swim, how long to paddle, how long to float. So you just STOP. You can’t grow. You can’t live. You can’ can’t… you can’t!!!

Then someone like me says those three magical words to you….” take a breath.” Yes, just breathe. Because at that moment, that’s all you need to do. Yes, it’s true that if you are not growing, you’re not living…but guess what. If you're not breathing, you're dead.

So you take that first breath…in through your nose, out through your mouth. Your first work small moment. Then your next breath…in through your nose, out through your mouth. Now you’ve got two small moments under your belt. Then you look at what you were doing. What needs to get done first? Not all my wants, not all my wishes, what NEEDS to get accomplished at this moment to LIVE. And you take another breath…in through your nose, out through your mouth. And you get to work.

And next thing you know, you say to yourself, yes, I can. YES, I CAN!!! See, I have been trying to master my mindset for over ten years, and I still struggle. I still STOP. I still need to remind myself to breathe. Because it is a process, a journey, it’s life.

I have a lot of growth this year. I have a lot of choices to make—a lot of unknowns. I want to expand and grow my travel agency, which will mean hiring independent contractors. I will now be responsible for not only my success in the business but the success of others hoping to grow.

I want to grow my Sassy Social Meetup community. Have more opportunities to reach out and help others make connections. Use the platform to lift up other women entrepreneurs in my community. Form partnerships. Form friendships.

I want to finish getting my yoga certification and begin teaching. I want to offer online and in-person classes for the community. My community. Help introduce others to a practice that has helped me cope with anxiety, pain, and so much more.

I want to continue to mentor others in my passion…mindset, and meditation. I want to teach everyone to work small ❤ win big. I want to offer blog posts, challenges, videos, podcasts, on-demand courses, 1:1 coaching, and group coaching to build and grow a community. If you want to expand your mindset, I want to offer a way you feel comfortable doing it!!!

If you’re counting, that’s a lot of WANTS. So where to begin? What NEEDS to be done right now? Take a breath with me…in through your nose, out through your mouth. It starts here, right now, in this post. This is what we need to be doing at this moment. Connecting. Welcome to my community. Welcome to your community. Welcome to the new year!

P.S. If you haven't already done so, please come continue the conversation and connection in my Facebook Group happy hearts work small ❤ win big mindset and more group.


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